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Day 1 Recap

Tuesday, November 14

Governor's Opening Address


Governor Gordon remarked that the Business Forum brings Wyomingites together to inspire action. He talked about important issues to focus on, including how our education system needs to meet kids where they are. Students must be allowed to become more adept at new careers and opportunities in Wyoming. The State's ability to advance has never been greater than it is now. The Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) is a pipeline from community colleges, to the University and business that will help address workforce. Our world class energy industry will power the future. Wyoming has led the way on things like migration corridors and understands the importance of balance. He emphasized advancing the tourism, agriculture and tech sectors and working together to ensure Wyoming is the most business-friendly State through working together and innovation. He thanked WBA President Cindy DeLancey for taking initiative for mental Wellness through the Pre-Forum event. It is because of efforts like this that Wyoming has moved out of the highest suicide rate in the country in the past year.

Keynote Speaker


Dr. Keller spoke about taking strategic action. The three factors are ends, means, and risk in strategic calculations for business. The ends are goals and means are resources available to accomplish those goals, including infrastructure and more importantly, personnel. Leadership must give direction to people to convey clear strategy. He drew parallels to the means and strategies of the Battle of Gettysburg. Economics and leaders are important in war and in business. Success comes from teams, not just one person. He talked about the importance of proper communication and explained how Robert E. Lee's failure to communicate properly to his army were pivotal to his loss. Logic, creativity, experience, and clear communication by Joshua Chamberlain and leadership won him the war. Risk acceptance is vital to business, which means creating a culture of openness where all ideas can be heard from the bottom up.

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Taking the lessons that Dr. Keller presented in his keynote address, this excellent panel moderated by Anschutz Corporation Director of Communications & Government Relations Kara Choquette, discussed ways we can apply these principals to issues facing Wyoming and how the Wyoming business community can take action with our elected leaders to find solutions on issues like housing, permitting, workforce development, improving infrastructure, and more! 

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As the Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) continues its work to develop Wyoming’s strategy for economic development and diversification, we heard updates from experts within and close to the program on how it has progressed, where we are today, and where we go from here with the WIP. This panel was moderated by Wyoming Innovation Partnership Executive Director Lauren Schoenfeld.

First Lady Wyoming Hunger Initiative Update

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First Lady Jennie Gordon said the Hunger Initiative works with 4-H and Future Farmers of America. The Hunger Initiative purchases pigs from kids and the child gets to choose where to donate the processed animal. The Initiative partnered with Wyoming businesses to give 18,700 beef sticks to communities. Through the Wyoming Angel Counts program, school lunch debts have been paid in local communities. All debts were completely paid in 2021, but they are always accruing. With the help of the Ellbogen Foundation and WBA, the Initiative donated $308,388.40 to Wyoming food pantries. With the holiday season approaching, the Shop with a Cop Program will begin soon.

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Based on the book, Wyoming: The Paradox of Plenty, written by former Governor Dave Freudenthal, this panel discussed all things property tax, the history behind our tax system, and the pros and cons of being a natural resource-based export economy.  This panel was moderated by Founder of Taylor Strategies & Consulting, Erin Taylor.

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Advancing technology has the potential to change the way energy exploration transpires in Wyoming. Our expert panelists discussed how technologies such as artificial intelligence, enhance the energy industry, particularly with carbon capture, utilization, and storage. The panelists spoke about generative AI and how it can be utilized for decarbonization. AI is a tool to elevate human intelligence and generative AI can be used with digital intelligence to build things and show how they will be created in the lab. It can do detailed calculations for infrastructure in a matter of minutes, which will ultimately benefit the energy industry.

 Wyoming Business Alliance
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PO Box 3197
Cheyenne, WY 82003

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516 Randall Ave.
Cheyenne, WY 82001

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© 2025 Wyoming Business Alliance. Wyoming Business Alliance is a 501(c)(6) organization. Wyoming Heritage Foundation is a 501(c)(3)organization. 

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